方海平 :女,中学高级教师!宁夏朗诵协会会员,宁夏作协朗诵艺术学会会员,银川朗诵艺术协会会员。多次在区市朗诵大赛获奖。宁夏广电《绽放夕阳》特聘主持人,曾两次参加宁夏春晚。表演唱《逛银川》在俄罗斯中俄建交70周年交流演出获银奖。该节目参加《绽放夕阳》进总决赛,被推送央视频播放。

Maggie L刘芳 (麦琪) ,加拿大华裔诗人;加拿大海外作家协会会长、英华文写作家协会副会长及加拿大分会会长、华诗会会员、巴马文化诗社顾问、中华诗艺社顾问;《海外诗人》主编。
Maggie Liu
Official name Liu Fang ,is the president of Canadian Overseas Writers Association , Vice President of British Chinese Writers Association and President of the Canadian Chapter of the British Chinese Writers Association. A member of Chinese Poetry Association, the Editor-in-Chief for Overseas Poets. Consultant for Bama Cultural and Chinese’s Poetry Art, now is a resident of Canada